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Winter Wonderland, Tea and Batman


I know many of you simply clicked this post to figure out what that title is all about. Other than the well known fact that I AM Batman, it more so relates to this... 👇

Steeping my Black Forest Chaga tea (a new one we just got last week!) as I write this post. I'm writing this after an absolutely awesome hike in the winter wonderland that's out there today!!

Last night the Quinte area had our first heavy snow of the season as Mother Nature brought 5-10cm of the white stuff. I was glad I shovelled last night so there was less to do at home and the studio this morning, let me tell ya! This pic above is on my walk home at lunch today after my client sessions this morning. I mean, come on now! Beautiful!! Wow. It's one of those winter days I love; Mother Nature's art work on display, temperature is a "nice cool", the sky is blue and the sun is shining. After lunch I knew I just had to get into the woods and take advantage of this weather.

And THAT my awesome followers is the MAIN reason for my post (Ok, second to Batman)....

Moving for Deep Health

I have this kind of conversation more than ever before. The idea that we can approach our health in ENJOYABLE ways. That "WHAT IF?" question comes to mind for me;

WHAT IF....more of us moved in ways we enjoyed?

WHAT IF... more of us spent more time in the REAL world, rather than a virtual/online world?

WHAT IF... more of us thought less and took action more?

WHAT IF... We sacrificed even just 10min out of our day to be outdoors in nature?

WHAT IF... we began to see the 'awe' and beauty in life's most purest things, rather than seeking an artificial form of contentment in our devices?

Today's plan to get to the woods had NO OTHER PLAN than...

GO for a hike to take pictures and enjoy this beautiful day Mother Nature has given us.

I don't hate winter. It's not my favourite season, but I don't hate it. However, I freely admit there are days that are cold, gloomy and down right BLAH. Which makes days like today all the more reason to ensure we get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, while taking in Mother Nature's artwork she worked on all last night. 🙂

You can move WITHOUT the plan of "Exercise"

This is a point that's lost on us. I've had this conversation with some clients as well and I love the "ah ha" moment when they look at it in a refreshing way. Modern humans can't even go for a walk without it having to "count" or "feel like a workout". And how has that worked out for us??? (spoiler alert - Not well).

I do my best each day to coach people to re-learn the enjoyment of whatever activity they choose and to understand that we certainly can make our activities a challenge, but we can also simply enjoy the ability to do it and we can do it for different reasons other than just physical exercise.

I knew I wanted to get some awesome shots of the snow today, and my intent was exactly that; Enjoy the woods and take some pictures (however many or few I felt like). And I did just that...

Just look at the beautiful surroundings. Here's the awesome part - I'm not even in the woods yet when this picture was taken! This is my walk TO the woods. That's how beautiful today is! This is walking along the old railroad trail that goes from Trenton all the way to Madoc.

Actually just before taking this, I was in detective mode trying to figure out what the dark figure was on the trail a bit of a ways ahead. I'm 90% sure I had a coyote friend wandering the trail ahead of me, as I saw his big bushy tail as he skampered off to the left of the trail when he realized I was coming.

Into the woods I go....

No I didn't bushwhack through this (today anyway). This is beside me to my right not far in on the trail where I entered. Here's more what I was dealing with... 👇

Absolutely beautiful! I LOVE these conditions in the woods. In hindsight, I easily could've brought my snowshoes. That said, THEN I would've been bushwhacking for sure!! I love going off the trails in this environment and exploring the untouched snow.

I took a couple of these panoramas. Untouched snow, beautiful snow covered trees and look at that blue sky!!! Oh my! It was easy to practice AWE today. It was easy to just stand and smile after snapping these pics, before I started on the move to the next spot.

Now we're in the "main woods" as I call it. This is looking south on one of the main trails that runs around the base of the hill. Beautiful. Silent. Serene.

I dealt with this often throughout the hike. The snow was so heavy, the trees were hanging across the trail.

Almost to the access off the road I typically enter and exit from. It's like Mother Nature intricately laid the snow on each and every branch just right ... 🥰

Here's one of my favourites I took today without question. This is just inside the access from the road. In between the trees to the left of this picture is the trail I take most often to head in for hikes, trail runs etc. I even took a beautiful picture along the road (which is lined by trees) on the way out and it was awesome!

From there I headed home with a smile on my face to make a nice warm tea in my Batman mug.

Back to the "What if?"....

WHAT IF we shifted our approach to our deep health in this way more often? I'm not saying these kind of days need to be all the time persay (though I would argue, what's the harm if they were?). But WHAT IF we "allowed" ourselves these moments/days in our days/weeks regularly??? Can you imagine what that would do to positively impact our deep health!? Wow!

Other than my Batman mug, I can't impress anyone with this story. Yet THAT is EXACTLY what more people need to re-learn;

Doing things simply because IT FEELS GOOD from the inside out.

Just like when we were young!

WHAT IF that was more people's approach to their wellbeing?

...Can you imagine how GOOD we'd feel more days than not?

...Can you imagine the consistency we'd find in our health practices because we're doing things we WANT to do and ENJOY doing?

... Can you imagine how our health would be positively impacted over time with this approach?

... Can you imagine the "heaviness" that would lift off our shoulders in the way of stress and the load of life?

... Can you imagine the positive vibes and happiness people would feel if they let themselves experience things like this that make them SMILE without effort?

LIFE is not being experienced or lived by so many of us today. It's no wonder the QUALITY of our life is not improving. Allow yourself to experience the little things and the beauty that's around you. Take in REAL moments and experiences MORE than you take in someone else's experiences online. LIVE in a way that PROMOTES feeling GOOD from the inside-out FIRST and FOREMOST. Do this and the rest of your deep health will fall into place with what seems like very little effort. 😉


Zenergy Health & Wellness ~ Healing the Body, Mind & Spirit one session at a time ~ 67 Mill St. Frankford, On ~ 613-438-8939

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