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Sometimes You Find Gold!


I love quotes. Do you? Granted, the ones we never forget and that we actually use in our approach to our daily routines are the ones that are the best (naturally). Am I right?

Here's one I came across today that hit home...

This one hit me for two reasons:

1) I whole heartedly live my day-to-day with this philosophy. I make sure that almost all days involve things I love to do and that make me feel good inside and out.

2) I know several people who NEED to understand this

(for the sake of their health and wellbeing)

Our North American stereotypical lifestyle of "Live to work" instead of "Work to live" is NEGATIVELY impacting our wellbeing. It's making us good at putting ourselves last. And we're losing the ability to better know ourselves and what brings us joy.

  • I can't tell you the number of workaholics I've had as clients (past and present)...

  • I can't begin to count the number of clients I've had who puts everyone and everything else before themselves (past and present)... A good AND bad quality

  • I don't even want to know the exact number of clients (past and present) who are exhausted, stressed and over worked / over burdened with their work life - who keep trying to "push MORE"...

It's not about being happy 24/7 (that's not realistic). Our health is however about ensuring that moments of JOY & DELIGHT are part of MOST if not ALL of our days. That doesn't happen when you wake up, work, possibly either work late or do more work AFTER work hours, go to bed and repeat, for months and even years at a time! That's not even including the fact that there may not be any form of stress management, or the ability to sleep well most nights.

If this sounds familiar -

You can lift weights as much as you want with any fancy program you can find...

You can run further and faster each time you get out...

You can eat brocolli and carrots more and better than anyone else...

And you will constantly feel like you're chasing your health. Why? Because our health is DEEPER than just those things.


Our coaching at Zenergy Health & Wellness is about helping people understand what Deep Health is and to help guide and support them in learning how to cultivate their own path to their OWN deep health.

We have conversations...

We look at day to day habits, your "auto pilot" mode, and routines...

We look at your responsibilities and daily life "stuff"...

We ask and answer questions together about YOU...

We experiment ...

We take ACTION...

We think and create a healthy, realistic mindset in your health adventure...

We help you design and live a healthy, lifestyle that works for YOU!


Zenergy Health & Wellness ~ Healing the Body, Mind & Spirit one session at a time ~ 67 Mill St. Frankford, On ~ 613-438-8939

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