When a client tells you that you have had a profound impact on their life, you can't help but smile. I mean, that's why we health and wellness professionals work with people; because we want and love to help people.
My client has been with me for 2-years now and has embraced a lifestyle shift by taking action on her deep health. I could share many stories of progress when it comes to this client, however, a recent conversation is the topic of this post.
Small, Realistic Changes
If you follow the Zen Blog, you know my coaching emphasizes simplicity, consistency and balance. No fads. No rocket science. Straight up basics done really well! My clients who have seen the most positive changes in their health and lifestyle have embraced that approach. They also ask questions and have discussions with their coach, take action, laugh, smile and show up for themselves consistently.
This client is a prime example of all of this.
She is diabetic, in her late 60's, has low iron and had shoulder surgery on one shoulder and a bummed opposite shoulder. A couple weeks ago she visited her doctor and shared with me how impressed he was with her health numbers all around. She was smiling as she was telling me this. You could tell how proud she was (and rightfully so!)
Another Client Story that Follows the Same Pattern
If you haven't read some of my other client stories here, I'd love it if you'd check some out sometime. For those of you who have, you'll notice that this one falls into the same category; Simplicity.
Some of the things this woman has added to her lifestyle over the last two years are:
Strength Training & Mobility work in her coaching sessions twice per week.
She is currently deadlifting just over 100lbs as well, which she never thought she would be capable of!! 💪 This was progressively built up to.
Regular walking
Adjusted her diet (in particular to help with her iron levels)
Enjoys outings with friends (I can't keep track of her sometimes 🤣)
Took up the ukulele and plays a couple hours most days
Goes to physio (as needed)
Gets massages 1-2x per month
Every time she comes to the studio she laughs, shares stories and chats up all the Zenergy team who's in the studio that day. She's an excellent example of creating health practices that are a PART of your life (not your entire life).
Open Yourself to Deep Health First and Foremost

Enough with our modern day approach of "push-push-push", "go big or go home" and "sharing your workouts with random people on Instagram".
For MOST people it's NOT working. You know what does work?? THE BASICS and RE-LEARNING TRUST in your body and NATURE.
🧘 Fall in love with practicing the foundational principles of human health.
🧘 Learn to trust your AMAZING physiology.
🧘 Provide your physiology with an environment to create change, and LET NATURE DO WHAT NATURE DOES (stop trying to "force" health on yourself)
WE NEED A SHIFT in our mindset and approach.
WE DESPERATELY need SIMPLICITY and learning to be REAL with ourselves.
Take the pressure off. ENJOY CULTIVATING (and maintaining) healthy lifestyle practices like my client(s). They are living proof you don't need to complicate things in order to feel good inside and out.