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Exploring the Power of Looking Inward

"The Heart’s Wisdom"

In the quiet spaces of the mind,

Emotions flow, gentle and kind.

Through storms and calm, they guide our way,

Teaching us what words cannot say.

With empathy, we bridge the divide,

Understanding the feelings we often hide.

In every heartbeat, wisdom grows,

In every connection, compassion shows.

For to be in touch with what we feel,

Is to uncover truths that heal.

With every tear and every smile,

We find the strength to go the extra mile

This poem was included in my weekly e-newsletter I receive from "The Journal Prompt". I love some of these poems. They really get you thinking when you take a moment to meditate on them.

And this one shared here, is no different!

Let me point out a few lines that REALLY jumped out at me from this poem:

"In the quiet spaces of the mind..."

"Understanding the feelings we often hide..."

"For to be in touch with what we feel,

Is to uncover truths that heal.

With every tear and every smile,

We find the strength to go the extra mile"

This poem came in excellent timing as I finish up our 4-block of sessions with the Women's Health & Lifestyle Group regarding Mindfulness & Meditation. A big discussion each session is the reminder how we have so much to offer OURSELVES, if we take the time to look inward.

Lets use this opportunity, while you follow along to check in with yourself...

"In the quiet spaces of the mind"

☮ How often do you pay attention to what is going on in there?

☮ How "loud" is it in your mind when you actually slow down and pay attention to it?

☮ How often do you take that time to acknowledge what thoughts are actually floating around in there?

☮ Do YOU ever settle enough to pay attention? Or are you constantly living in the past and/or future, while in constant distraction? Never paying attention to RIGHT NOW...

"Understanding the feelings we often hide..."

We don't necessarily need to meditate if you don't want, but we can be MINDFUL of what we are feeling and thinking.

☮ How often do you pay attention to what you're feeling inside?

☮ How often do you FEEL what you feel but then push it away ("Serenity now" type thing... for all you Seinfeld nerds like me!)

☮ If / when you do take notice of these feelings, thoughts and/or emotions - how well do you understand them within yourself? Do you manage them in healthy ways? Do you work WITH them? Or as the poem says; or do we just hide them away?

"For to be in touch with what we feel, Is to uncover truths that heal.

With every tear and every smile, We find the strength to go the extra mile"

I've eluded to the fact that I do my best to practice what Pilar Gerasimo preaches which is, in order to be a healthy, happy human we need to do the opposite of what MOST PEOPLE are doing. In this case, MOST of the modern world is running on autopilot every single day. We're distracting ourselves DAILY, COSNTANTLY to the point where we overlook what we WANT, what we NEED and what we LOVE when it comes to cultivating our deep health.

The power of practicing slowing down and listening to what our mind and body need, want and love allows us to see a clearer path to health and wellbeing. It creates ease in HOW we go about our days and it honestly allows us to smile more and be our true selves.

Whenever I coach sessions, be it individual or group, in mindfulness and/or mindfulness meditation, it's rare that the clients don't love the feeling they get when we practice it. Yet, we often do not create and continue with our practice to benefit us in our individual daily lives.

Words are inspirational and yes, powerful at times (such as this poem). But ACTION is what will create change.


Like the idea of mindfulness? If you'd like to learn how you can create your own practice and implement into your days, connect with 'Coach D' for a FREE 10min discovery call, send an email OR book a consultation online:


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