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Client Story: The Impact of Consistent Self-Care on Daily Well-being


Updated: Jan 24

I often refer back to the story of an old client of mine, who sadly is no longer with us. He became like a grandfather to me. He was a good man, had accomplished so much and been through so much in his life. He came to me many years ago having beat up his body in many ways over several decades. One of those ways was playing university football.

Early on, he would constantly say out loud during our sessions; "Geeze, I used to be able to lift "x" pounds" or "I used to do "y" to push myself and perform better". After several weeks of this I finally asked, "How long ago was that?". His reply with very little hesitation: "40-years ago".

My point in sharing that, aside from the fact that it was the "TSN turning point" for him at that time (his "ah-ha moment" if you will, realizing he no longer "HAS" to do any of that to feel good for what he does NOW in life"). He brought that story up over the next decade together a fair bit and he recognized how powerful that shift in mindset was for him.

We mentally keep ourselves living with these expectations that we had / needed for ourselves in the PAST. Yet for most of us, those expectations really DON'T need to be there anymore. We can have NEW expectations of ourself and our health practices, that allow us to feel good in the life we have NOW.

Let me share another quick story about a current client who does exactly that...

I've shared stories about this client over the past couple years, here on the Zen Blog and in our private Facebook group. He is a wonderful example of continuing to take care of himself while being retired, and just doing what he needs to feel good most days (nothing more, nothing less). And none of it is a stressor for him. It's just PART of his days.

Back in November, he had a 1-2 week stretch where he was absolutely all over place. He had driven a total of 1000km during that time alone. That's alot of sitting in a car! Plus, he works a few days per week at a local winery as a part time retirement job and it is physical work most days he's there. In addition to all his driving, he also had a couple days at the winery as well during this stretch.

My question to him during our session was; "How is the body feeling with all of that going on? Stiffness? Discomfort? Etc..."

His answer: "Not too bad!"

Let me explain WHY that was his answer.

This client is one that I am never concerned about lack of movement;

  • 2x weekly sessions with me (for strength and mobility work - often just focusing on keeping things moving well and feeling good)

  • His physical work at the winery

  • Walks

  • Kayaking in the summer

  • Bike rides in the spring to fall months

  • Snowshoeing in the winter (when possible)

  • Speed skating once per week

  • Volunteers with the Special Olympics boccee ball team

  • Yoga routines at home 1-2x per week

Notice how nothing is extravagent? His week's also vary depending on the week. He does several of these things with his wife, yet they still have their own activity they do on their own as well. It's a wonderful flow to the week's and in taking care of his health.

To add to this, he uses tools he's learned over the years as needed throughout his weeks, based on how his body feels:

  • If he's worked hard at the winery for example, we modify his sessions with me to promote recovery first and foremost

  • If he feels a bit stiff on any given day, he does some foam rolling and stretching to help recovery

  • If he's a bit sore, he'll utilize his hot tub in addition to his rolling and stretching work

  • If he's driving long distances, he'll stop to get out and move around a bit for a break on his body

In addition to that, he makes adjustments as the days/weeks go by based on how his body is feeling. He doesn't have specific numbers he targets for distance, time or intensity. He's a great example of just doing what he needs to feel good and keep himself healthy. He doesn't hesitate to modify (increase/decrease) any activity he's doing on any given day.

The amount of people who could feel so much better and be consistent in their health practices, if they approached their health with the mindset my client has would be incredible - it would be a different world without question:

"Do just enough to feel good inside and out, while doing things you enjoy and utilizing tools you've learned over time to allow yourself to feel good"

It doesn't have to be fancy or elaborate.

It doesn't have to be one particular way every time you do something.

It doesn't have to be the same thing you did 10, 20 or 30 years ago.

It just needs to work for you NOW.

With a little bit of effort, doing the basics really well, you can take care of yourself and feel good more often than not, without making it stressful or exhausting. Take a lesson from this client - Learn to approach your deep health with this mindset and you'll love the outcome over time.


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Zenergy Health & Wellness ~ Healing the Body, Mind & Spirit one session at a time ~ 67 Mill St. Frankford, On ~ 613-438-8939

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