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Client Story: The "Forgotten Feels" - Why Feeling Healthy Can Catch Us Off Guard


Updated: Jan 24

I received an amazing email from a client last week (I love when clients share these thoughts with me). 🙂

This is how the email started:

"I have a follow up appointment with my naturopath today.  I was getting my thoughts together and realized that I have nothing to tell her.  That's good, right?!  I have no complaints!  I'm feeling good and I have more energy.  I've even been sleeping well the last week."

This was followed by questions such as...

"Have I missed something?  Is there something I should ask her about?? 

It just seems strange."

It is Lost on Us

Modern society and our way of living has us completely forgetting what it feels like to feel healthy and overall, good. We spend our days believing everything that's going on in our mind and listening to that internal bully, to the extent that we live those beliefs day in and day out. We spend so much of our time "seeking health secrets", gathering information, over-thinking and over-analyzing, "shoulding ourselves" and telling ourselves "we suck" or "it is what it is" (*shudder* 🫣) that we become VERY GOOD at exactly those things.

So good in fact that we completely forget what it feels like to feel good. 🙁

That's so sad.... But so true in today's world.

This makes my client's email completely make sense; When a person realizes that the work they have invested in themselves, over time, has created positive change ... That person falls into the "forgotten feels". They are unsure how to manage feeling good!

Practice Being Mindful of How You're Feeling

Part of my reply to my client was:

"...take it all in. Feel how it feels to have no complaints,

feeling good and having more energy."

I also acknowledged her comment about this "feeling strange". Change WILL feel different. However as my client has discovered, change does NOT always feel bad. Yet this brings up perhaps a feeling of "unchartered waters" doesn't it? When we roll through our days beating ourselves up, complaining about pain/discomfort and constantly telling ourselves "we're a failure" or "we're just bound to be unhealthy the rest of our life" it's not hard to understand why this foreign territory is such a strange feeling.

It's important in these situations (any for that matter) to slow down and be mindful of what our body is telling us. Take some time to really pay attention and take it all in...

"What does it feel like, to feel GOOD?"

Sitting with that and taking some undistracted time to really get a sense of how you feel in this situation can help solidfy those positive vibes. As I reminded my client, TAKE IT ALL IN. Be proud of what YOU have done for YOURSELF. Allow those feelings to really take hold.

We are so good in the modern world at finding the negative in most situations. We practice it constantly. When something as powerful as our health experiences POSITIVE change, take advantage of that situation to practice the opposite of what we most often do!

LEARN what feeling good FEELS like.

LEARN and RECOGNIZE what it does to your MIND and your ENERGY throughout the day.

Look at the Process as Well

I think in this type of situation, while we're being mindful of how we feel, that it is important to also look at the process along the way. For most people when they reach this experience that my client did last week, they likely didn't have a linear progression to that point. Their days, weeks and months had ups and downs to get to where they are currently at. THIS IS NORMAL. THIS IS THE PROCESS OF CHANGE.

Recognizing this fact, that along the way there were ups and downs, will help moving forward and carrying that positive energy ahead. It helps remind us that when our mind starts to fall back into the "self-bullying" we can have a better understanding of how to settle that internal dialogue, knowing it's all part of the process. A "good day", just as a "bad day", doesn't define YOU. The bigger picture, over time will help show you your true progress.


My client's email totally made my week. I love when people feel good. It's powerful. It makes me, and them, smile. So many people have completely forgotten what that feels like; to feel good... which makes me sad. Health and wellbeing is VERY MUCH attainable to ANYONE. You just need ACTION, PATIENCE and TIME. 🙂


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Zenergy Health & Wellness ~ Healing the Body, Mind & Spirit one session at a time ~ 67 Mill St. Frankford, On ~ 613-438-8939

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