I love sharing client stories and I love when my clients share their changes with me! 🥰
We can relate to them on a personal level.
They are NOT earth-shattering.
They're REAL.
They're VERY attainable.
They usually surprise my clients with how simple it was to get there (not discounting the work they put in, but realizing they don't have to "beat themselves or their body up to get ahead").
First some quick background;
I've known this family for coming onto 18-years! Wow! It started with training their son when he was playing AAA hockey, prior to his junior hockey years. At that time the Dad started working with me. And a few years later his wife joined the party.
They come twice per week (husband and wife) (for several years, three times per week) to the studio in the morning for 6am. The husband used to come for 5am sessions in my Belleville days for a few years (those days are over for all of us 🤣)
I make us all some coffee. Some days there's more chatting, laughing and "solving world problems". Other days there's more exercise happening (while still doing the previously mentioned 🤣). Regardless there's no stress about what goes on; it's totally based on how they feel on any given day (as it should be).

They both typically toss out "ah-ha" moments and connections they see at various times throughout the year, of the benefit of their movement practice and sessions at the studio with real life events and activities. I love when they (and any clients) share these stories with me.

Recently, they helped their daughter and her family move into their new home. Moving is always fun isn't it? 🙄 Moving always includes lots of bending, lifting and moving over a long period of time. Definitely good real-life activity for us.
My client shared that at one point he was going to pick up something heavy and his daughter's in-laws said "Be careful with that - it's heavy! Let us know if you need help". My client without hesitation, picks it up over his shoulder and brings it into the house without a problem. 💪 He said this kind of thing was going on throughout the day as he helped moved things in...
He felt good.
He felt strong.
He felt capable.
He felt confident in his body to do it.
He added to that, that by the end of the day he was a bit tired (says everyone who helps move someone; be it in their 60's like him or younger) but he felt good. Not too sore, laid up or feeling like he couldn't do it again.
Simple & Consistent Efforts
I can't stress it enough, that we complicate our health to the point that we get down on ourselves, exhaust ourselves more than we already are and/or beat ourselves up to the point where we often give up.
It DOES NOT need to be this way!!
I love this client's story because nothing has been rocket science or "Instagram worthy" in terms of the work he's put in over the years. Like I said, some mornings there's very little work done movement wise 🤣.
That said, I feel THAT IS part of his story. The fact that the sessions are enjoyable and something that are a PART of his week, rather than something he "has to do" has kept him consistent all these years. He recognizes how he feels when he puts the effort in each week to maintain his health. Combine those strength sessions each week with walks, playing with the grandkids, work around their cottage, snowmobiling and skiing in the winter, golf in the summer... you have an active father, husband, grandfather and friend in his 60's who has the ABILITY and CONFIDENCE to experience whatever life brings each day.
This doesn't mean he doesn't get down on himself at times, struggle or sometimes need the motivation push. But it does mean that whether he's going at his health practices a little more or a little less, the consistency lies in the fact that he does NOT stop.
Let me remind you of how my client felt while moving his daughter's family into their new home:
He felt good.
He felt strong.
He felt capable.
He felt confident in his body to do it.
Imagine if we ALL approached our health in this way?
Imagine if we ALL set our ego aside and THESE things were our focus?
Imagine if we ALL felt this way MORE days than not?
...There would be healthier, happier people all around without question if this was the case.
