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Are Your Comfort Habits Hindering Your Path to Better Health?

"Comfort is the worst addiction"

~ Marcus Aurelius~

The former Roman emporer, died in March, 180AD yet his powerful words continue to be consumed and used in our modern day world. I'm part way through Marcus Aurelius' Meditations book. The philosophy, stoicism... whatever you want to call it, is incredibly relatable even today. It's amazing to me how 2000 years later, the same principles of life still apply.

These words of his ring true, arguably more so, today than even then, if think of it in the physical sense. (We can argue "comfort" in a variety of ways, but for the purpose of this post, we'll stick to the physical). Lets analyze modern human comforts:

-Soft couches, chairs and furniture in general (I mean, Laz-E-Boy recliners - need I say more!? Instant nap time!)

-Furniture is available off the floor / hip height or so, so that we don't have to get down too far

-Climate controlled homes

-Cars, trucks, SUVs (now with friggin' computer screens!)

-Climate controlled workplaces

-Fold out camping chairs that feel like you're in a recliner

-Fold out benches for kids sports (we wouldn't want them sitting on the ground ya know!)

... The list goes on.

I'm not saying these are bad things (mind you the fold out sport benches thing is too much in my opinion...). If you could choose a climate controlled home that keeps you warm and dry over a hand built shelter with holes, drafts and leaks I think you'd choose option 'A' every time. So would our ancestors. However, like with EVERYTHING in our modern times, we live in an ALL OR NOTHING WORLD.

We've gone TOO FAR the OTHER way!

For thousands of years, humans surived in primative shelters that were just that - shelter. Comfort? Meh. Other than their shelters, humans would be dealing with a variety of factors that created DISCOMFORT. From that, we learned how to survive and even thrive in SO MANY different conditions and evironments from heat or cold to blue skies or storms. Even medieval castles centuries later were not luxurious like we imagine. They were damp, cold, lacked privacy etc... They were primarily for defense first and foremost - not comfort.

Now humans (most of us) have gone so far the OTHER way that we are continuously losing the ability to handle even a little bit of discomfort;

-The weather is NEVER right for us

-Sweating is "bad" or uncomfortable... or just "icky"

-If muscles get tired it's "bad" or uncomfortable

-If our breathing rate increaes going up a hill that's "bad" or "too hard" or "I think I'm dying"

-If we can't do something the first time we avoid it out of "embrassment" or because we label it "too hard"

-The idea of walking 2-blocks to the store to grab one or two things, is "too tiring" or we create/find a reason "we can't" so we choose to drive instead

... this list goes on and on too!

-Our suitcases and hockey bags have wheels

-Many more doors in stores open FOR US

-Floors in airports or stairs in malls move FOR US

-Vacuums and lawnmowers now do these chores FOR US

So what coach?

So what!? SO now since we live in the OTHER extreme of the comfort spectrum, ANY tiny bit of discomfort we are accustomed to label as "BAD" or we completely AVOID it. Don't you see? We PRACTICE comfort. But life and nature aren't comfortable!

This constant comfort practice over time drastically hinders our ability to be healthy inside and out. As I elude to often here, in discussions with clients and in my personal life - BALANCE is a part of NATURE. Our physiology is constantly working to maintain homeostasis (i.e. it's physiological balance point). If we ONLY practice comfort, we humans (body/mind) will naturally become worse at handling any discomfort. For example, if you spend your days, almost 24-7 within a climate controlled box (home, car, work) and then you step outside to a little rain, cool fall wind or God forbid SNOW your body and mind immediately signal "retreat". Yet it has nothing to do with the fact that you "can't handle it" or "it's too uncomfortable" - it has to do with the fact that you PRACTICE COMFORT to the extreme.

Remember why we're here

Modern day humans are HERE because our ancestors LIVED and SURVIVED in uncomfortable environments and situations. Again, I'm not saying we have to go back to those times - humans have it the easiest they ever have. However, it's taking its toll on our health because we're living in the opposite extreme now, and unfortunately that works AGAINST nature.

Our bodies, down to the cellular level ADAPT and STRENGTHEN when they have to face discomfort in small doses. SMALL, REGULAR DOSES...

-Be cold sometimes

-Be hot sometimes

-Sit or lie on the ground and/or floor sometimes

-Go outside for a walk or other activity in the rain or wind

-Dress warm and get out for a winter walk in the snow

-Jump into a cool lake or river for a dip

-Move to the point where you sweat

-Move in new ways that are challenging (not painful - challenging)

-Try something NEW (food, activity, art form, habit, project, job...)

-Have an uncomfortable conversation that needs to be had

... Another never ending list!

We increasingly fall into comfort and then wonder why things seem so tough. Or we convince ourselves "we just can't" do something. WRONG! You THINK you can't, but the reality is you CHOOSE not to TRY because it's "uncomfortable". Especially at first.

An excellent example was learning to play guitar. It hurts! Until your fingers develop calluses, your fingers are tender and sore from pressing down on metal strings. It's UNCOMFORTABLE. But musicians will keep going. They keep practicing. Until DISCOMFORT actually becomes COMFORTABLE. Why? Because we adapt. Humans are amazing at adapting (when we allow it time to happen), that's why we're all here today!

"Suck it up!"

Honestly - we need to "Suck it up!". We're in the best time in human history because we have SO MANY CHOICES!! We get to CHOOSE when we are uncomfortable and can often somewhat control that level of discomfort we CHOOSE to have. Our ancestors had NO CHOICE. With our abundance of choices in how we can better our health, we too often are reaching for COMFORT and "the easy way out" rather than allowing our amazing physiology to do it's thing with the proper stimulus (i.e. little bits of regular discomfort).

How do YOU challenge your comfort levels to better your health?

-You don't have to be like the "Ice Man" Wim Hof and go to those extremes (though you can).

-You don't have to jump out of an airplane (though you can)

-You don't have to climb "El Capitain" free solo like Alex Honnold (though you can)

It doesn't need to be extreme. Small doses of discomfort on a regular basis builds resiliency, physiological strength and has a positive effect on longevity.

-It can be as simple as turning the water to a "little bit colder" to end your shower in the morning

-Get outside in "non-perfect" weather (which by the way is MOST days in real life)

-Walk on uneven surfaces sometimes

-Carry a bag of groceries home 2-blocks from the store

-Carry your suitcases instead of pulling them around on wheels. Take breaks if you need to.

Small doses of discomfort helps you grow and create a healthier YOU! Constant comfort as your regular go-to each day, is slowly taking your strength away from your incredible human physiology.

It doesn't have to be earth shattering or extreme. But the choice is yours; Build your health and "suck it up" from time to time... or practice handling less and less discomfort as life moves forward.


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