
Health & Lifestyle Group

Each block of sessions hosts a different topic surrounding the Deep Health Model, with the intent of filtering through all the noise in our current modern day world that creates confusion, the feeling of failure and frustration when it comes to personal health and wellness.
Within each session the group discusses a particular aspect of the topic, share stories, successes and 'non-successes', share some laughs and learn information that can help each individual create their own healthy lifestyle practices that work for them, in a comfortable atmosphere. Following each session participants are given a particular focus over the next 2-weeks before coming together again to discuss how things went, followed by discussions surrounding progression and the next focus.
* $10/person/session
Sessions run in blocks of 6-8 sessions *​
*12 participants max*
Upcoming Session Blocks
In our Frankford group, we alternate sessions between mindfulness discussions and guided meditation sessions...
One week we discuss mindfulness practices, experience breathing exercises/techniques and ways to be more mindful in our busy days.
Followed by the next session where we are taken through a guided meditation session to allow you time for yourself to look inward.

In our Trenton group, we are coming off of our fall block of sessions where we discussed stress & stress management.
We are going to continue along those lines as we move into discussions surrounding sleep, stress management and mindfulness.